
The school Sosekido (素石堂) was formed by my sensei, Unkotsu Komine (小峰雲骨) many years ago. I was 13 years old when I first met him, and it was the beginning of my long-time calligraphy path.

Curso de caligrafía 3 – ¿Cómo sujetar el pincel?

Perdona por tardarnos mucho para publicar nuestro curso de caligrafía pero ya estamos yendo.

Esta vez vamos a aprender a sujetar el pincel y adoptar una buena pose para una buena escritura. Tener la muñeca relajada es lo mejor truco. El artículo completo podéis ver a traves de Aprende Chino Hoy.

Excuse us for being away for so long to publish our calligraphy lesson but now we are back on track.

This time we are going to learn how to pick up and hold the brush to write beautifully. To keep your wrist relaxed is the key. You can read the complete article in Aprende Chino Hoy.


Written by: Juju Kurihara